Graham Jones Celebrant

Graham Jones Celebrant
Marriage is one of the most significant occasions in a lifetime. There are many facets to making arrangements for the 'Big Day', one being your marriage ceremony.
No two marriage ceremonies are the same. Different venues, guest numbers, cultural backgrounds and individual taste are just some of the things that make every ceremony unique. Don’t be influenced too much by tradition or others opinions. Let your imagination be your guide.
I am committed to helping you create a marriage ceremony that fulfils your needs and I believe in making the process fun.
My level of presentation is high, with a warm, relaxed delivery style and a clear, audible voice. My friendly, organized demeanour helps calm the inevitable nerves, allowing you to enjoy the moment.
A wedding is all about love, of course, and it’s also about commitment. My commitment to you is to ensure that your wedding ceremony reflects who you are, your beliefs and what you want to say – to your families and friends, and to each other.
Please feel free to call or email me to arrange a confidential, no-obligation, friendly chat before committing to booking my services.