Games that will go down in the history of bridal parties!

What’s a hen party without at least one game, am I right? For you today, I’ve put together a little list of some of my favourite numbers for bachelorette doo’s that any bride will be stoked to have! There’s a solid mixture of naughty and nice, for the gal who loves a bit of a ‘Vitamin D’ theme sprinkled throughout, and plenty for the more conservative amongst us. Enjoy, lovelies!

Bra Pong

It’s like a vertical version of Beer Pong, but with bras instead of cups! You can even work it on a points system so the highest scoring team wins bragging rights so it doesn’t get totally out of control, or you could go down the traditional route! Totally Hen approved! You could also go down the traditional route with a standard Beer Pong table and opt for Prosecco. I’ve seen an incredible example where the table was custom wrapped with a picture of the engaged couple - It would be perfect for something a bit extra!

Image by Kate Drennan

Image by Kate Drennan

Image via Pinterest

Image via Pinterest

Confessions of a Bacherlottes Party

Each guest is to put a saucy confession into a jar, and the bride has to guess who wrote it. If the bride gets it wrong, she takes a drink, and if she get’s it right then the author does the honours! You’ll definitely learn a lot about your girlfriends playing this one! If you want to tone it down, you could have each guest write a story about the bride - You’re guaranteed to get a good mix of sweet and hilarious!

Don’t Say the Name or Word

Take a name IE bride/s or groom/s names, or a word like ‘wedding’ and label them as the not to be spoken words during the party. If someone is caught out, they then have to do a dare from a made-up list - You can go as laid back or as out there as you wish!

Porn or Polish | Cock or Not | Boob or Butt

They’re exactly as they sound, grab a template online or make your own and see who guesses what! Etsy have some great templates available.

Guess where who’s done ‘it’

Trying to keep it PG here, but a big hit at Hen’s is for each guest to write the craziest place they’ve done the deed and the bride has to guess who. It’s a great way to take the attention off the bride if she’s not the type to enjoy being the centre of attention.

Wedding dress competition

This one can be done a number of different ways! Either with toilet paper as most of us have experienced, or I love when there’s a bunch of op-shop wedding dresses purchased and teams have to get crafty and turn them into something epic! Either way, split into teams and get creative! 

Guess the Underwear

Each guest purchases the bride a pair of underwear, and the bride has to guess who it is! You can never have too many knickers, and you’re sure to get a good mix of nice, funny and sexy numbers too. Add in a shot for each wrong guess if you wish!

Guess Their Answer

Another favourite of mine, have the bridal party write down a mixture of sweet, funny and naughty questions for the brides other half to answer and have the bride guess what their responses were. Again, add a shot for each wrong guess if you like! 

Private Part Stuff

Beware, not every bride is into this kind of game, but if she is, the classic spin on “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” can be a hit. Blow up a picture of the brides other half, and print off a bunch of Penis’ or Vaginas to suit!

Getting crafty with playdough is also a doozy!

Bridal Jenga

Just like regular Jenga, except each piece of wood has a dare or a story written on it. Do the dare, guess who the story belongs to and it makes for a good game!

Would She Rather

A ‘This or That’ style game for your bride, write down a few opposing choices when it comes to her life and have everyone guess!

My top tip for narrowing down the list of bridal party games is to listen to your bride’s requests, and if she’s not giving any direction or wants a surprise, think of her instead of yourselves. It’s her day and you’ll be wanting to make her feel like an absolute queen! Also, Pinterest is your friend, and so great for ideas!

Until next,

Lucy xxx